China has always supported efforts to uphold the international nuclear nonproliferation regime and will continue to work with parties concerned and play a constructive role in seeking a peaceful solution to the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation. 中方一贯支持维护国际核不扩散体系,愿继续同各方一道,为推动通过对话与谈判和平解决伊朗核问题发挥建设性作用。
Nuclear power is no magic solution, argues Pervez Hoodbhoy& it's not safe, or cheap, and it leads to weapons programmes. PervezHoodbhoy说,核电并不是一个魔法解决方案&它不安全,也不廉价,而且它还会导致核武器计划。
Although an agreement to renounce nuclear weapons as part of a general reduction of armaments would not afford an ultimate solution, it would serve certain important purposes. 尽管放弃核武器的协定,作为总体武器削减的一部分,并不能提供一个终极的解决方案,但是这个协定依然可以起到重要的作用。
He told Tang that Iran will honor the principles of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and continue to seek a just and reasonable solution to the Iranian nuclear issue though talks. 拉瑞贾内告诉唐家璇说,伊朗尊重核不扩散条约的原则。他们将通过谈判继续寻求一个公正和合理的解决伊朗核武器问题的方案。
First Start-Up of Nuclear Criticality Safety Experiment Facility for Uranyl Nitrate Solution 铀溶液核临界安全实验装置首次物理启动
Formula It of inhomogenous Wiener Process in dual of a nuclear space is established, and the estimation of solution of stochastic differential equations in dual of nuclear space is given out. 建立核空间的对偶空间上的时齐Wiener过程的Ito公式,并给出核空间的对偶空间上的随机微分方程解的估计。
When the nuclear density is near or greater than the saturation density, the sound-like non-trivial solution could be found. 当核密度靠近或者大于核物质的饱和密度时,这样的类声波非平庸解是可以存在的。
Considering the corrosion condition of the saline pool in which the reinforced concrete foundation of a transmission line of a seaside nuclear power station sits, corrosion experiments for slag concrete and ordinary Portland concrete in high-concentration salty solution are designed. 针对某沿海核电站输电线路钢筋混凝土塔基穿越晒盐池的腐蚀环境,设计了矿渣混凝土和普通混凝土在浓盐水中的腐蚀试验。
The characteristic features of a thermal nuclear steam turbine regulation system and an exploratory investigation of a technical solution 核热电汽轮机调节系统特点及方案探讨
Failure Analysis of the Primary Loop Piping in LWR Nuclear Plant and Its Solution 轻水堆核电站&回路管道事故分析及对策
Developments of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( NMR) including the solid high solution NMR and the two dimensional NMR were introduced in this article. 介绍了核磁共振(NMR)测试技术进展,着重介绍固体高分辨核磁共振和二维核磁共振技术的进展及它们在高分子材料领域的主要应用举例。
The instrument is suitable for determing of anions, alkali metals and alkali earth metals in nuclear fuel reprocessing solution and high level liquid waste. 该仪器适用于核燃料后处理工艺溶液和高放废液中的阴离子和碱金属与碱土金属离子的色谱分析。
RECOVERY OF TECHNETIUM FROM SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL-PROCESSING WASTE SOLUTION ( part I)& A Study on the Behaviour of Precipitation of Technetium and Its State in Denitration with Formic Acid 从核燃料后处理废液中提取锝(Ⅰ)&锝在甲酸脱硝中的沉淀行为及其状态研究
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation of Cohesional Entanglement of Nylon 6 Chains in Trifluoroacetic Acid Solution 三氟乙酸溶液中尼龙6链凝聚缠结的NMR弛豫研究
Studies in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ⅱ. Dynamic Behavior of Lithium Enolate Aggregate of Acetaldehyde in Solution 核磁共振研究Ⅱ乙醛烯醇锂聚集体在溶液中的动态行为
Under circumstance of guarantee nuclear heating system optimum, judged standard of critical investment of nuclear heating station is established. The definition and solution of the critical value of fossil fuel price and the corresponding investment of nuclear heating station are given. 在保证供热系统最优的前提下,建立了核供热站投资临界值的判断标准,给出了核供热站投资临界值及所对应有机燃料价格临界值的定义和求解方法。
Nuclear Problem in DPRK and Its Solution 朝鲜核问题及其前景
Combining author's research, the applications of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( NMR) to combinatorial chemistry, including applications of NMR to solid phase synthesis, analysis in solution and screening by NMR are reviewed. 本文结合作者的研究结果评述了NMR在组合化学中的应用,着重于NMR在固相合成的应用、液态NMR和NMR在高通量筛选中的应用。
Nuclear fusion& solution to the energy crisis 核聚变&消除人类能源危机的济世良方
Based on investigation of IT application situation of domestic and world's nuclear power industry, connecting with internal practice, this paper advances the way to deal with IMS, put forward IT solution on IMS, describes development process, software products. 在调查研究国内外核电行业和工程设计行业信息化现状的基础上,提出了研究开发IMS的对策和技术方案,叙述了IMS的原型系统&DIMS的开发进度、开发成果、软件功能和技术特性。
Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation studies of nylon 11 solution 溶液中尼龙11的NMR弛豫研究
This paper described the design mind and support technology and system principle of the control protection system of nuclear criticality safety experiment facility for nitride uranium solution. 主要阐述了铀溶液核临界安全实验装置控制保护系统的设计思想、保障技术和系统原理。
The liquid solution is used for nuclear fuel in the solution reactor. 溶液堆使用裂变物质的水溶液为核燃料。
Recovery of technetium from spent nuclear fuel reprocessing waste solution by ion exchange method 离子交换法从核燃料后处理废液中提取锝
Since October 2002, a new round of North Korean nuclear crisis has cast a shadow over the peace and stability on Asia-Pacific region again. The development and solution of the first nuclear crisis thus presents a great research value to the ease of nowadays tension. 从2002年10月起,新一轮朝核危机再次给亚太地区的和平安全带来了巨大的阴影,第一次朝核危机的发展乃至解决因此呈现出巨大的研究价值。
In the last chapter, this paper analyzed the policy direction of the two countries on the solution of the nuclear issue, and made a little advice and ideas in the perspective of China-ROK cooperation between the solution of the North Korean nuclear crisis. 本文的最后一章则分析了两国解决朝核问题的政策方向,并从中韩合作的角度对两国参与解决朝核问题的方向提出了些许建议与设想。
In addition, according to reports on fish sperm, Hira gene may play an important role in the nuclear coacervation solution. 另据报道称Hira基因可能对鱼类精核解凝发挥重要作用。
Interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer ( iSCNT) provides a potential solution to overcome the problem of oocyte shortage for therapeutic cloning. 体细胞异种核移植能够解决卵母细胞资源稀缺问题,是治疗性克隆的潜在有力技术。